About Us

agCelerant™ is the business development platform deployed by MANOBI AFRICA to restructure the African agricultural sector into organized, transparent, efficient and inclusive value chains. It implements an innovative, holistic business model in which smallholder farmers and larger-scale investors are simultaneously accompanied and protected as they empower themselves to respond to growing and changing customer needs.

MANOBI AFRICA orchestrates inclusive value creation inside agricultural chains and drinkable water systems. Headquartered in Mauritius, MANOBI AFRICA has subsidiary or project presence in 14 African countries and early portfolios in Europe. Combining recognized sector expertise with digital solutions and proximal presence,
MANOBI AFRICA transforms agricultural and water services creating economic and social value.



Our Team

Daniel Annerose


Cédric Champenois


Pierre C. Sibiry Traoré

Director of Research and Development

Bernard Stevenot

Deputy general manager

Fadel kamara


Sada Moussa Cissé

IT Manager

Souleye Sene

agcelerant client relations


Mamadou Sidibe

Field Supervisor

Mariama Leye

administrator and finance manager

Mame Bator Cisse

Lean Data Analyst

Ousmane Ba


Seynabou Dieng

Data Supervisor

Joel Nteupe

Artificial Intelligence specialist

Penda Fall

System engineer, web and IOT development

Igore Adjotin

it developper

Janet Mumo

Artificial intelligence expert

Rania Aldelkerim

computer network engineer

Abdoul Yaou

agcelerant niger representative

Accomplish your business opportunities