Project Description
The ISDB Regional Rive Value Chain Program (RRVCP) focus is on value chain development seeking to alleviate constraints impeding the development of the rice cultivation by impacting actors across the entire value chain including smallholder famers, off-takers and processors, service providers, agro-dealers, aggregators, financial institutions, and rural communities in production and processing areas.
The project will ensure that its beneficiaries (45% women and youth) smallholder farmers will have access to :
- New technologies, modernised irrigation systems and improved seeds to increase productivity
- Financial and technical resources as well as extension and advisory services provided by the project
- Equitable decent employment opportunities, with these target components
- Increasing productivity of the rice production systems;
- Development of innovative post-harvest technologies and marketing mechanism;
- Enabling institutional arrangements to optimise the value chain performances including private sector and access to finance.
agCelerant's Involvement
To implement phygital agriculture to catalyze progress towards the project’s 3 following objectives and towards sustainable impact. These are:
- Susbtantially increasing the production and productivity of rice using a private sector-led approach;
- Increasing smallholder farmers income and reduce poverty and food insecurity, thereby improving livelihoods for rural populations;
- Creating commercial opportunities for targeted rice farmers to generate widespread access to market
Manobi’s phygital agriculture concept behind the agCelerant™ platform will combine the rice value chain expertise assembled in the RRVCP with digital exploitation and proximal presence alongside smallholder producers and other stakeholders to build business services liable to support their own performance and to facilitate, through risk control, their interactions and integration into the agricultural value chain.
Contact us to find out more about our involvement in the Regional Rice Value Chain Project
supported by the Islamic Development Bank.