Manobi Africa and AfricaRice intend to catalyze the inclusive transformation of the rice value chain in Africa through the agCelerant™ value chain orchestration platform. This platform provides a global agricultural architecture, combining access to credit and financial services, insurance, quality input prices, next-generation of agricultural advisory services and advanced market linkage business services secured with trustable transaction mechanisms.
Together the two organizations develop a unique public-private partnership to organize the rice value chain and connect producers, through contracts, to banks, insurance companies, input suppliers, and agro-industries, in order to control risks, improve productivity, secure paddy rice commercialization and ensure the sustainability of livelihoods of African rice growers.
This initiative has been already engaged in Côte d’Ivoire and Senegal by AfricaRice and Manobi Africa with 4,000 growers and is now in the process to be extended in 10 African countries across Africa with the objective to serve 2 million growers within the next 5 years, contributing to an increase of 20% of the total paddy rice production and commercialization volume on the continent.
April 2019